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Эрнест Кочетов: МИРОВОЕ БЕЗУМИЕ (кровавый шабаш: жестокая, опасная реальность стучится в окна)
Ernest Kochetov. THE WORLD`s INSANITY (bloody Sabbath: cruel, dangerous reality is knocking at the door)
Впервые за последние десятилетия вопрос о войне и мире встает в своей чудовищной обнаженности. Человечеству уже отступать некуда, мир стоит перед реальной угрозой смерти: на карту поставлены судьба человечества и жизнь на планете. Ситуация в мире такова, что без вынесения этого вопроса на самый высокий пьедестал глобального диалога могут оказаться тщетными усилия мирового сообщества в построении нового равновесного посткризисного мирохозяйственного ландшафта, недостижимыми идеи "мирного" выхода из мирового кризиса.

Откуда дует смертоносный ветер, и где эпицентр зарождающегося кровавого цунами? Кто главный закоперщик этого? Кто заказчик? И чьими руками будет вестись "это дело"? Приглядимся к этому повнимательней! И что же мы видим даже невооруженным глазом? Ответы на эти вопросы рельефно проявляются при взгляде на проблему с высоких методологических орбит глобалистики и гуманитарной космологии. Их мы раскрываем в нижеприведенных текстах: 1) "Мир без масок как мотив появления Меморандума в защиту жизни (глобальный военно-промышленный комплекс как преступная структура (организация): миру нужен трибунал типа Нюрнбергского для "мирного времени" и 2) "Меморандум! - Воззвание! - Набат!: (Проект)".
An appeal
to all participants of Baku International Humanitarian Forum and through them - to the world society and scientists of the world [2]
Dear colleagues and friends!
Please, accept sincere and warm wishes of health, success in creative activity, clear, joyful and happy days in the New Year! We wish the new, 2013 year, brings us the happiness of creative and friendly cooperation on the way of the dialogue about the most important and urgent problems of our world!
The previous year has left in the memory an indelible and bright mark - Baku International Humanitarian Forum (Azerbaijan, Baku, October 4-5, 2012 г.). This is an event of the international importance: a powerful intellectual platform of the highest rank has formed! The Forum opened new horizons of cooperation, brought to the center of attention the problems of humanism, tolerance, pluralism and has given a new impulse to the dialogue and cultures, to the preservation of the colourful diversity of the world!
All the participants of the Forum are joined in one single impulse to the dialogue, new knowledge about the world and new ideas. The Forum has given a unique opportunity to present the idea of a new phasic world transition - cosmologization as a new stage of the world`s development [3] .

Today the mankind is in danger: breath of a new nuclear catastrophe is in the air, death and destruction, elimination of every living thing. The world needs like air a new initiative similar to the "Manifest of Russel-Einstein: scientists for peace and security".

We urge to raise the banner of fighting for peace, for security of peoples on Earth. In this connection Baku Forum gives a great chance to create a new platform with the acceptance of the document "Memorandum! - Appeal! - Alarm Bell!: Baku movement for peace and security" (you may find its draft below). We cannot miss this chance! And we hope that the initiative falls into your attention and gets support. Let the ideas of High humanism of Baku International Humanitarian Forum accompany us on this way, which gave a powerful flow of creative energy on the ways of the dialogue [4] in its highest scientific form - dialogistics, search for the newest models of the world, consent and harmony.
Hoping for cooperation, peace and security, with kind regards.

Memorandum! - Appeal! - Alarm Bell!:
Baku movement for peace and security [5] (Draft)

First seconds of the new, 2013, year! The world has moved a moment and got to the new dimension of its existence. And its starting point is not so important - the mankind constantly and with great joy and some secret hope meets it in the abundance of life, drinks its cup of life in the abundance of its vital force, passions and infinity. It "performs its mating ritual" on the opening of life and at this moment a sword is raised over the world, unseen, but inevitable, a kind of guillotine - a dreadful destiny is prepared for the mankind - a bloody night. A bloody darkness is ready to consume everything, to take lives, to take joy, sun and blue sky, to pitilessly send the careless mankind to the non-existence.
A deathly scythe approaches everybody. A dreadful destiny is prepared for the young generation. Young man, boys and girls will be deprived of youth, hopes, joys and dreams. They will not love enough, will not learn enough, will not know their mature years, will not see their children, will not know the happiness of freedom, of high flight of though, sun, blue sky, sound of the sea and breath of the ocean - a bloody storm will take them to the non-existence.
Young girls, who have not known the happiness of life, will be deprived of their future. Their loved ones will be ripped from their weak hands. These young widows will bring their happiness, short, but dazzling, to the graveyards.
Women, mothers and wives, blind from their sorrow, will be sentenced for eternal grief for their sons and husbands. And the world will be flooded with crippled, burned, deformed, poisoned, lost their minds, dying from hunger, sentenced to wretched existence.
White-haired old-man and grandfathers will sink into the graves with seething, devastating their souls sense of helplessness: they would not be able to protect their homes, save their sons, wives and daughters, and eternal insatiable pain and slakeless vengeance will leave them without rest.
The flame of madness and war will consume priceless historical evidences of cultures and civilizations, which were gathered on Earth during thousands of years.
But careless mankind, drunk with life, does not want to raise its eyes and see the dreadful "sword of Damocles" and triggers of a giant guillotine, hanging over it. It is drunk with life and does not notice and does not want to notice them.
Our mission is to dispel this sleep, to understand the deathly danger. We are gathered together with the Baku International Humanitarian Forum. There are millions and millions of such as us on the planet and we are lucky enough to come together.
The world society believed in us and gave us in charge its hopes, aspirations and dreams. We are given a historical chance: to stop the madness, tearing the planet apart, the approaching apotheosis of war and death, to get in the way of militarism, eroding consciousness, poison of nationalism and ultrapatriotism, pouring into heads and souls of young generations. We have no chance to refuse to see the approaching deadly danger: "we did not have time!", "we did not understand!", "we did not agree!", "we did not hear the pulse of the planet!" ... and let billions of lives be scuttled with an all-consuming Moloch.
We understand: the intelligence of man, its mind has created amazing conditions for well-being on Earth, but, at the same time, the same intelligence has started the international "death machine" - global military-industrial complex with its closely interconnected national sectors ("rooms"). It constantly, day by day consumes vast planet`s recourses (intellectual, financial, material, labor).
It lets to the international sales turnover piles of deadly weapons: nuclear and "ordinary", heavy and light, small-arms, chemical weapons, bacteriological, informational, climatic, etc. Military Moloch has forced civil industries out to the world curb, has absorbed many of them. Unstoppable death machine has brought economics, industrial politics, finance, culture, law, social sphere under submission. Science, education, mainstream politics (geopolitics), diplomacy, ideology are brought to this deadly altar.
Outside the field of legal evaluation, unpunished, uncovered well-functioning "replenishment cycles of death and murder" are operating in the world: from "criminal intentions" (scientific discoveries, validation, designing new and improving "traditional" kinds of weapons) - to "criminal actions" (financing, investing , production of weapons, testing and improving, delivery and sale on the world and national markets) - to "crimes" (putting weapons into action: training, ordering the use of, the use itself).
This criminal activity is mediated by a mass of military and semi-military organizations, higher educational institutions, monographs and textbooks "on the strategy and tactics of murder", "manuals", etc.
An unbreakable connection (symbiosis) between the international hawks has formed - generalship, diplomacy and the international military industrial complex. One half of the world is forging a giant sword and another half of the world is using it. It is glued to the political maps of the world, to the coloured "cells" - states, those remains of the "Old Westphalian" system of the world division. "Division" lines and planes, arrows and axes are constantly drawn here, outlines of military-political alliances, shuffle friends and enemies, search for new enemies, find them and challenge them.
General devaluation of life takes place. From childhood people are accustomed to death, children are holding militarized toys, school textbooks illustrate military "deeds" of ancestors from all points of view, cultivating death for the sake of ideologies, myths, hallucinations, cult of violence has invaded mass-media, death is celebrated - on TV and in cinema we see heroes - murderers, young girls and women, future mothers, are mustered and taught how to kill.
The world is filled with hypocrisy. Thousands of different forums, seminars, conferences, round tables host endless disputes, not for an inch approaching the solution of the problem. The dialogue is transformed into a cover, is used for trying weak points of opponents - potential enemies.
We are determined to put an end to all this. The mankind has no place to retreat to! The issue is extremely urgent: either the world society awakes and gives a bill to Moloch and its accomplices, or goes into historical twist and leaves aches and a memory of the mankind.
We urge participants of Baku International Humanitarian Forum and through them the world society and scientists of the world to sign the following resolution:
1. We address the heads of states to take personal responsibility for the destiny of the world, destinies of each country, each family and each life.
2. We address the scientific world society to start fighting the militarization of mind, to reject "business trips" to the sphere of ignorance for breakthrough scientific ideas and discoveries, aimed at demolition of every living thing on Earth. "Ethics of new", high status of the title of scientist, who serves to preserve life on the planet, its thriving, should say their word here.
3. We address the professors and teachers of the planet with the demand to withdraw from their lectures, textbooks and academic programs evident and disguised throwbacks of militarism, chauvinism, national and ethnical intolerance. You bear responsibility for the deformation of the minds of the growing generation.
4. We address the diplomatic body with the demand to stop apologetics of war, to break connections with the international hawks, to prevent diplomatic plays with destinies of millions of people on the brink of life and death.
5. We address the mainstream business to withdraw its investments from the deadly military industrial complex. There is a vast potential in the world to use economic powers with peaceful aims.
6. We address representatives of humanitarian knowledge branches - philosophers, historians, sociologists, politologists, cultorologists, economists, lawyers to reject open and disguised apologetics of ideological dogmas, creating an ill environment (aura), where militarism, nationalism and chauvinism break into at the same moment and where they are blossoming.
7. We address lawyers - who keep in the memory of the mankind legal norms of punishment for crimes against the mankind - with the demand to reconsider the principle of responsibility for such crimes: at the time of peace preparations for war, manufacture and trade of weapons, building military budgets, militarization in the sphere of education and science are already crimes against life and mankind and are to be put under legal evaluation.
8. We sing this document. With more people joining it will be changing, gathering power and depth. And let us be only several people on Earth, we have said our word, our credo, raised our voice to protect life. Regalia and titles are not important here. We are joined with the goowill and we are urged forward with the responsibility for the future of the mankind.

Эрнест Кочетов. МИРОВОЕ БЕЗУМИЕ (кровавый шабаш: жестокая, опасная реальность стучится в окна)

Впервые за последние десятилетия вопрос о войне и мире встает в своей чудовищной обнаженности. Человечеству уже отступать некуда, мир стоит перед реальной угрозой смерти: на карту поставлены судьба человечества и жизнь на планете. Ситуация в мире такова, что без вынесения этого вопроса на самый высокий пьедестал глобального диалога могут оказаться тщетными усилия мирового сообщества в построении нового равновесного посткризисного мирохозяйственного ландшафта, недостижимыми идеи "мирного" выхода из мирового кризиса. Откуда дует смертоносный ветер, и где эпицентр зарождающегося кровавого цунами? Кто главный закоперщик этого? Кто заказчик? И чьими руками будет вестись "это дело"? Приглядимся к этому повнимательней! И что же мы видим даже невооруженным глазом? Ответы на эти вопросы рельефно проявляются при взгляде на проблему с высоких методологических орбит глобалистики и гуманитарной космологии. Их мы раскрываем в нижеприведенных текстах: 1) "Мир без масок как мотив появления Меморандума в защиту жизни (глобальный военно-промышленный комплекс как преступная структура (организация): миру нужен трибунал типа Нюрнбергского для "мирного времени" и 2) "Меморандум! - Воззвание! - Набат!: (Проект)".

Ключевые слова: мировая военщина, глобальный военно-промышленный комплекс, преступные институты, реванш, мировая война, трибунал типа Нюрнбергского для "мирного времени", жизнеутверждающие начала в человеке, коды самосохранения человека, глобальный диалог, Меморандум, просветленное сознание, парадигмальный перелом.

Ernest Kochetov. THE WORLD`s INSANITY (bloody Sabbath: cruel, dangerous reality is knocking at the door)
KOCHETOV Ernest Georgievich - the President of the Public Academy of Geoeconomics and Globalistics, doctor of economics, member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences

For the first time over the past few decades the issue of war and peace comes up in all its monstrous nakedness. The humanity has nowhere to retreat, the world faces a real threat of death: human lives and life on our planet are at stake. The situation in the world dictates that without including this issue to the global dialogue of the highest rank, efforts of the global community to build a new balanced post-crisis international economic landscape and ideas of peaceful resolution of the world crisis could be made useless and unreachable. Where the deadly wind is blowing from and where is the epicenter of the rising bloody tsunami? Who is the main initiator? Who is the sponsor? Who will be used to pull this out? Let`s consider it more closely! What could be seen even with the naked eye? Answers are clearly seen if the problem is considered from the high methodological orbits of globalistics and humanitarian cosmology. They are disclosed in the following texts: 1) The world without masks as a motif of Memorandum in the defense of life (the global military-industrial complex as a criminal structure (organization): the world needs a trial for a time of peace like Nuremberg`s and 2) Memorandum! - Call! - Alarm! (a draft).

Key-words: the world`s military clique, the global military industrial complex, criminal institutions, revenge, the world war, a trial for a time of peace like Nuremberg`s, life-asserting human origins, self-preservation human codes, the global dialogue, the Memorandum, enlightened consciousness, paradigmal shift (turning point).

Читайте в Приложении.
Статья полностью: Эрнест Кочетов. МИРОВОЕ БЕЗУМИЕ (кровавый шабаш: жестокая, опасная реальность стучится в окна)
© Кочетов Э.Г., август 2014 г.
[1] Мы сегодня отмечаем юбилей! Юбилеи бывают разные, но наш необычный - прошел год с момента публикации двух статей в журнале "Безопасность Евразии", 2013, N 2: 1) Мир без масок как мотив появления Меморандума в защиту жизни (глобальный военно-промышленный комплекс как преступная структура (организация): миру нужен трибунал типа Нюрнбергского для "мирного времени (с. 378-396), и 2) Меморандум! - Воззвание! - Набат!: Бакинское движение за мир и безопасность (Проект) (с. 396-377) (тексты см.: http://kuznetsovvn.ru/eurasia/2013-2.html). Пролетевший год подтвердил реальность надвигающейся грозный мировой опасности - повсеместное ужесточение международных отношений, тотальная милитаризация сознания, разрастание локальных очагов напряженности в горячие воины, несущие ужас, смерть и разрушение. Настоящей статьей мы вновь и вновь со всей решительностью ставим вопрос о необходимости и важности Меморандума в защиту жизни на планете, в защиту безопасности. Раскрываются мотивация к его появлению, истоки, суть и сердцевина глобальной опасности, ее грозной, центральной части - опасности третьей мировой войны. Человечество съежилась и со слезами и стенанием окаменело перед разверзнутой пастью этого глобального удава. Беспечное человечество как зачарованное бредет в пекло новой воины, немало не заботясь о той страшной судьбе и пучине, в которые загоняются цветущие молодые поколения. Философствующие идеологи от войны и реванша, и иже с ними геополитики всех мастей с подручными им глобальным военно-промышленном комплексом и подстать им мировой дипломатией закусили удела. Остановить безумие! Отбросить заблуждения!! Призвать к ответственности глобальных воителей и их подручных!!! - вот сегодняшний лозунг и повестка дня. Вновь и вновь будить совесть человечества! Не дать апологетам войны и ханжам спокойно купаться в "закономерностях" мирового убийства и "историчности" подлых поступков. А сколько их всплыло на свет божий! Сколько их повылазило из щелей, углов и мрачных закоулков! Сколько злобы и ненависти они выплескивают на мирную жизнь, на свободных, счастливых людей. Они пригрели два преступных института: глобальную мировую военщину, они растят как грыжу глобальный военный промышленный комплекс с его национальными секторами ("квартирами").
[2] © Kochetov, Ernest.1 January 2013
[3] Idea of "cosmologization" was presented at Baku International Humanitarian Forum (section "New methodological approaches to the processes of globalization in XXI century") (Azerbaijan, Baku, October 4-5, 2012 ) and at the conference in Italy (Milan, November 7-8, 2012). The general outline of the idea is given in the articles: Кочетов Э.Г. Космологизация. Новый этап мирового развития (постановка научной проблемы и ее общий контур) // Вся Европа.ru, 2012, N 6 (67); Кочетов Э.Г. Космологизация // viperson.ru, 12.11.2012; Кочетов Э.Г. Космологизация // Безопасность Евразии, 2012, N 2, Кочетов Э.Г. Информационный буклет "Новая книга Эрнеста Кочетова `Космологизация`". - М.: `Урбан Графикс СТ`, 2012 (http://kochetov.viperson.ru/wind.php?ID=653121&soch=1) etc.
[4] On the role of dialogue as a key instrumentation for the world outlook (apprehension) and a powerful lever of the world transformations see the monograph: Кочетов Э.Г. Диалог: Диалогистика как наука о судьбах человека и мира в контексте глобальных перемен: Научная монография / Обществ. ак. наук геоэкономики и глобалистики. - Москва: Экономика, 2011. - 733 С.
Full text of the book you may find at: http://kochetov.viperson.ru/wind.php?ID=641398&soch=1

[5] Note: Author of the idea and text - Ernest Georgievich Kochetov. As a draft the text "Memorandum! - Appeal! - Alarm Bell!: Baku movement for peace and security" was published online on January 5, 2013 at "Informational-analytical portal VIРЕRSОN: http://viperson.ru/wind.php?ID=657504&soch=1;

© Kochetov, Ernest.1 January 2013

Кочетов Эрнест Георгиевич - Президент Общественной академии наук геоэкономики и глобалистики, доктор экономических наук, академик РАЕН

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  • Кочетов Эрнест Георгиевич

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