В Кремле объяснили стремительное вымирание россиян
Evolution of submissions of the Russian elite about system of the international safety Назад
Evolution of submissions of the Russian elite about system of the international safety
The report of professor A.I. Podberezkin at conference at University Ben-Guriona (Jerusalem) on May, 23-25rd, 2010

From this basic position of the President of Russia some conclusions follow, at least. In my opinion, not less basic because D. Medvedev`s initiative is not the ordinary initiative. It has strategic - system and long-term - character. Besides it reflects result, some kind of end of a stage of revaluation by the Russian elite of the purposes and priorities of foreign policy of the country. Similar revaluation in modern international realities is essentially important. The world promptly varies and the problem facing to Russia modernization jerk depends in many respects as academician An fairly underlines. Torkunov, "from an adequate estimation of a modern situation" Russian elite. First of all in the field of the international and European safety which advance not only a reality of threats, but also degree and quality of the international cooperation, i.e. In many respects predetermine those conditions in which will occur modernizatsionnyj jerk of Russia in the XXI-st century.

Эксперт МГИМО: Алексей Подберезкин

Источник: Портал МГИМО

Док. 627424
Опублик.: 01.06.10
Число обращений: 0

  • Подберезкин Алексей Иванович

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