В Кремле объяснили стремительное вымирание россиян
Development nanobiology and cellular technologies in Siberia (Tomsk) Назад
Development nanobiology and cellular technologies in Siberia (Tomsk)
- National research University resource effective Technologies.

- Faculty of technology of silicates and nanomaterials of the Tomsk Polytechnic university.

-    The department of the
-    structural macrokinetics of the Tomsk science center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of science..


The use of the multipotent mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) in medicine was non effective in cardiology in out times.

1. The exogenous and endogenous multipotent stem cells do not include in processes of regeneration and the reparation of the damaged tissues and organs.

2. The microenvironment of tissue does not possible include in heart of the endogenous or exogenous mesenchymal stem cells.

3. The MSC quickly leave at the place of introduction (migration, homing within 24-48 hours).

4. The MSC was multipotent and plasticizing elements. The MSC can be differentiated in other types cells (non myocardial) cells (stoma, fat, bone).

Ways of the decision of the this problems:

1. Address, introduction of the stem cells in damaged of tissue or organ.

2. Immobilization of the MSC with application by the help of the nanobiology.

3. The peryprogramming of the stem cells in the necessary direction of differentiation (myocardial, vessel).

4. Activation of the microenvironment of myocardium. It strengthens process of linkage of the stem cells with the tissue.

The experimental of model are occlusion of a descending coronary artery (OCA) of left ventricle of the heart.

- The OCA was imitation of the acute infarct of the myocardium.

- Is leads to formation of sharp and chronic intimate insufficiency.

- The coronary occlusion may be development of eth hypertrophy of the heart.

Stages of treatment of the heart disease after of coronary occlusion.

1. The extraction of the stem cells from the bone marrow.

2. The fast creation of the cellular masses by means of the bioreactor.

3. The reprogramming of the stem cells in the muscular type.

4. The loading of the stem cells with nano ferromagnetic by means of the bioreactor.

5. Clearing from ferromagnetic nanoparticles of the stem cells.

6. The activation of the microenvironment of the myocardium by means of dot radio frequency destruction (RFD).

7. Fixing of the stem cells with Fe3O4 by an external magnetic field.


Док. 611585
Опублик.: 24.11.09
Число обращений: 0

  • Шахов Владимир Павлович

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